Dr Kershman Periodontist Ottawa is a local periodontal specialist. Periodontal treatment consists of treatment to establish the health of the gums and jawbone supporting the teeth. Many people unknowingly have periodontal disease, mainly because it is not associated with pain. Periodontal disease occurs as the result of the accumulation of dental plaque and tartar when left on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky film that attaches to the tooth and collects bacteria. When plaque gets under the gum line, it results in infection that causes gum swelling and may eventually destroy the jawbone. Tartar, a hardened form of plaque which can form above and below the gum line. This requires regular removal by brushing, flossing and professional cleaning.
If untreated, gum disease destroys the soft tissue, and damages the jaw bone, eventually causing the teeth to loosen and even fall out. With early diagnosis and treatment, almost all teeth can be saved. We also teach patients how to control plaque through daily care of their gums and teeth. We believe in creating a partnership with patients to recognize, eliminate and control the causes of gum disease.
Today, gum treatment is not only about controlling disease, but also involves surgical procedures to reverse receding gums, and the regrowth of lost jaw bone.
In the past, periodontal treatment led to the appearance of longer teeth and an unattractive smile. Today, thanks to modern technology, through the use of EMDOGAIN, it is possible to regrow lost bone and cover exposed roots using plastic surgical procedures.
Let Dr Kershman Periodontist Ottawa help with your periodontics needs today.